Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 25

We headed back to Boston this afternoon. Dane noticed this little guy crawling around the car. I named him Tiberius and we let him crawl around for a bit, then Dane put him in a water bottle and poked some air holes in it. When we got back to Boston I let him go in a flower pot in front of our house. I hope he likes Massachusetts!

May 23

After church, my sisters, mom, and I went dress shopping. We all wore our shirts that I made. I think Melissa found the dress she wants too!

May 22

Dane and I had lunch with Pastor Dave today to talk about how things are coming along for the wedding. I think we came away from it feeling even better and we have some new ideas for little things we'd like to incorporate into the day. After lunch we went shopping for decorations for the engagement party with my mom, Jenna, and Abby. The most fun part of the day was finding hats and things to put on Abby. I wasn't a fan of most of the decorations they had for weddings, so we pretty much came to the conclusion that I would make my own decorations.

May 22

I had a half day today, and Dane took one too so that we could go to NY a little earlier for Memorial Day weekend. The drive wasn't too awful, and when we got home we went out to eat at Applebee's. Then we went with Jenna and Rich to take Abby to a carnival. I went on her first ride, the Safari Train, with her and she played her first carnival game. She won this lightsaber for Dane, but she really liked it too.

May 21

I'm still sewing even after my marathon night last night. I realized I've made a bag for both of my sisters and my mom, but not for myself yet. I modified the pattern that I used for all of their bags and made myself one that's a little bit smaller. It's a really bright reddish-orangey color that's perfect for the summer.

May 20

I made a shirt! I was up until about 12:30am because I really wanted to finish it. In hindsight, I probably should have just gone to bed and finished in the morning, but I was just so excited to see it come together. Here is my favorite part of the shirt, the pleats!

May 19

Dane and I ran some errands today. On the way to Target we had a little battle over the radio. He kept changing the station so I kept changing it back. I think I won in the end.

May 18

We are continuing in our movie month. Tonight we went to see Angels and Demons with Sam and Jason. We are all really excited for the next Harry Potter movie, but found this advertisement a little funny.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 17

Dane and I both worked the Commencement ceremonies at our respective schools this morning. When we got home, Dane came into my craft room where I was working on my mom's bag and said "I need to do one of two things tonight." I asked what those two things might be, and he said "I need to do laundry, or I need to buy new clothes." So we went to the mall, the obvious thing to do. He needed to get a suit for Sandie and Derek's wedding next weekend anyway. We stopped in the pet store and played with some puppies, but also found this one hanging out behind the counter. Her name is Bella, she's 7 months old and a golden retriever. She belongs to a woman who works in the store and was such a good dog! Dane really liked her.

May 16

We went to the Sam Adams Brewery... again. This time we were accompanied by some of Dane's co-workers, Ellen, Emily, Ben and Stephen J. It was really fun! I think this is the sixth trip to the Brewery, and probably Dane's eighth.

May 15

Tonight was the final night of Senior Week and we ended with a boat cruise (more commonly called a booze cruise by our students) around Boston. We knew we'd be in for an interesting night, so Chad and I started preparing in our offices before the students got there. A little Sam Summer always helps.

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 14

Tonight we took the senior class to the Improv Asylum in the North End for a private show. It was hilarious and I really want to go back there. They personalized the show for us so they called up certain students and the actors did scenes depicting what they felt life at Lasell was like. Dane came too. We filled up the place and we all had a good time.

May 12

This week is Senior Week here at Lasell. There is a trip every night for seniors. Tuesday was a pub night at the Bell in Hand. Today there was a Senior Barbeque and they had this picture taken. I thought it was really cool looking. Tonight is a bar night at Fenway Park, tomorrow is a private show at Improv Asylum, and Friday is a cruise around Boston.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 12

Dane and I are in our movie marathon month. Last week was X-Men Origins: Wolverine, this week was Star Trek. Since Dane is a Regal Crown Club member (don't be jealous. OK, you can be) we got enough points to get a free popcorn. Very exciting! I loved the movie. Not surprising since I'm a total geek. Dane even tried to stump me while we ate dinner before the movie. He asked "What's Captain Kirk's middle name?" to which I answered "It's James T. Kirk, and the T stands for Tiberius." He was pretty amazed. Have to keep him on his toes :)

May 11

Sam and I obviously needed more fabric. We spent probably about 45 minutes with the IKEA guy who helped us cut the fabric we wanted. We made friends with two people who were waiting after one commented on how much he liked the fabric I was getting (which is bright pink with a floralish pattern outline in a green or yellow, can't tell which it is exactly). This picture was taken in the middle of the aisle in the warehouse, clearly the best spot to set up a portable tripod that Sam always has with her. We had so much fun!

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 10

I made this bag for Melissa! I got my sewing machine about a week ago and haven't used it yet. When I showed Melissa my fabrics, she just loved this one and I decided to give it a try. I'm really impressed with myself! It came out great and I already have a request for another from my mom. I left Melissa take it home, as hard as that was for me after spending so much time on it. She loves it and I know it will have a good home with her :)

May 9

Today we went to the aquarium. I haven't been there in about two years (Dane and I went there on our first date). It was really fun with Melissa! We watched the penguins for a long time, got all the turtle stamps in our turtle passport, and I touched a starfish. We couldn't get in the tank with the real turtle, so here we are with some other ones.

May 8

Melissa is here for a visit! I picked her up with Dane in Connecticut from the ferry on Friday night around 8:30pm. We got back to our apartment around 10:30pm. This picture was taken on Saturday morning, but that's ok because really at 10:30pm after driving for almost 4 hours to and from CT, I wasn't feeling picture worthy. Here was are at the Stony Brook T stop waiting for the train.

May 7

This is Andrew. He's really tired. Today he walked into my office and just laid down on the ground to rest. He stayed there for about 20 minutes before finally getting up. Apparently it was comfortable enough to relax for a little while. I feel like I should get a couch in my office for when students need to take a break. I'm not sure if the floor is the best option.

May 6

The last spring Orientation Leader training was this afternoon. They played a game called Birdy on a Perch. Basically you have a partner and one of you is the birdy while the other is the perch. The perches all walk around in a circle going one way on the inside. The birdies form a circle around them and walk the other way. The facilitator yells "Birdy on a perch!" and the birdies all have to find their perch and jump on, making sure both of their feet are off the ground. The last team to get on their perch is out, and you keep going until you have one team left. This left me cracking up. They had a hard time at first figuring out how to walk in circles, but they got it eventually.

May 5

Dane began to work on his layouts for the month of March today. He did the first week and it looks great! I'm so proud that he did this on his own. Maybe he'll do another month again soon?

May 4

For the next four weeks at least Dane and I have a movie date. This week we went to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Overall, I liked it but I feel like it was missing something. I wanted more character development. This is our very large tub of popcorn that we ate almost all of. We really love popcorn.

May 3

This was actually taken yesterday at the Wake Up the Earth festival. But it was a such a beautiful day and a cute picture that I had to fit it in here. Mia got to join in the festivities and she was very excited to see all of us.

May 2

Here we are at the pier near the North End. We walked around all morning and were pretty tired by the afternoon. But we managed to go to the Wake Up the Earth festival anyway and had such a good time!

May 1

Mom and Dad came up this weekend, along with Dane's parents. They got to meet for the first time. The first order of business for Dad was to get some clams at Haymarket. It's his favorite and it's been a year since he's come to visit. He had about 4, then we went to the North End to get some cannolis from Mike's Pastries. Then on the way back we just happened to walk by the clams again, so he had some more.

April 30

Today the class of 2012 hosted GrillFest 2009. It almost fell apart when they realized last minute they didn't have enough people to grill. Apparently, they didn't think to ask me because they didn't think I'd want to grill. Wrong! I LOVE to barbeque, so I became the primary griller. After a little while I was joined by Professor Hatem, my new grilling buddy. It was a blast!

April 29

I just love taking pictures of flowers. These were in the Christopher Columbus park near the North End. Such pretty tulips!
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